The Stand-In: my life as an understudy Read online

Page 6

  “He looks like a total tool,” Rica said flatly.

  “A complete jerk,” I agreed, because he did. “But I mean, he can’t help his face.”

  Rica packed out laughing. Doubled over and everything, it was entirely unsophisticated. I was a little surprised Eli and his girl didn’t turn around.

  Govi appeared beside us, brandishing blutack. “What’s up with her?”

  Rica stood up quickly, her laughter magically dissolved. “Nothing.”

  “We were just complimenting Eli’s face,” I said, trying to hold back my smile.

  “Oh, he’ll be pleased.” Govi nodded with a wry glint to his eyes.

  “Yeah. I mean he can’t help that his face looks like a jerk.”

  Govi snorted and, no matter how much Rica liked him, nothing could stem her laughter this time.

  “That he’ll like less,” Govi said with a smile as Eli put his arm around the girl’s shoulders as he saw us and headed over.

  “Well you look like you’re having fun,” he said, looking over the three of us.

  “We were just complimenting your face, mate,” Govi chuckled and Rica sniggered.

  Eli smirked. “Why do I feel like that’s not quite a compliment?” He turned his honey eyes to me. “Want to let me in on the joke?”

  I opened my mouth and my amusement was suddenly gone in a complete mental blank. “Uh…no, we just… I mean you can’t help your face,” exploded out of my mouth in very much not the manner in which it was intended.

  “I can’t help my face?” He looked me up and down slowly and I wanted to kick myself.

  I flushed and the girl next to him laughed at me.

  “Come on, ladies. These posters won’t hang themselves,” Govi said and it sounded an awful lot like he was siding with us in whatever battle of wills was playing out here. I wondered what the hell we’d done to earn that.

  “Have you looked over the new set list?” Eli asked him.

  “I’ll look at it tonight. I have trees to deal with,” Govi said proudly, holding up our last poster.

  Eli looked it over and I could tell he wasn’t doing much to hide his disdain. “Arts and crafts now?”

  Govi shrugged. “What can I say, man? It’s kinda fun. Plus work goes faster when we all pitch in.”

  “That a message, mate?”

  Govi shrugged. “I gotta help Clo and Rica. You play safe, mate.”

  He gently laid a hand on my arm and we followed Rica down the hallway.

  “See, jerk,” Rica said.

  “See, unable to make with the words good.” I slouched and groaned. “I am never going to get Eli to ask Ella to the formal.”

  “Okay. How about I take pity on your ridiculousness and help you out?” Govi asked.

  “Yeah and how do you propose to do that?” I asked, throwing him a look that I was sure told him every pitiful thing that was running through my frazzled brain.

  Govi shrugged. “I’ll work it out.”

  “You’ll work it out?” Rica asked with humour. “What are you? The Godfather now?”

  Govi chuckled and threw an arm around my shoulder companionably. “I’ll talk to him, yeah?”

  “Talk to him?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I’ll talk to him for you. I’ll talk up Ella, tell him she’s interested, get the ball rolling kinda thing.”

  “He did ask about her the other day… What kind of ground work are you working with?”

  I felt Govi shrug. “Don’t really know. He flirts with anything with tits, so naturally I’ve seen them flirting. She’s in music with us,” he took his arm off my shoulder and ran his hand through his hair, “but I’ve never really seen them talk. Eli’s not the kind of guy to like anyone so I’m not promising anything, but I’ll see what I can do.”

  He looked so apologetic, but I didn’t care. In a rare move from me, I rushed forward and threw my arms around him. He chuckled and hugged me back.

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I cried.

  “If playing Good Samaritan gets me more hugs like this, I should try it more often.”

  He laughed as I pulled away and swatted him playfully.

  “Or you know, it’s called being a decent human being,” I replied.

  “Or you know, in Gin’s case it’s called being a slave,” Rica commented.

  “I swear if I didn’t love you, I’d hit you,” I muttered as I bumped her hip with mine.

  Govi smiled at us and shook his head. “Right. Where shall we put our final masterpiece?” he asked, holding it up.

  Chinese Whispers

  I walked in to the auditorium on Monday, my nose buried in my book as I wandered towards the table that I’d been at the week before. I dropped into one of the seats as I put my bag by my feet and ran my hand through my hair.

  Rica had told me in no uncertain terms that she was so not going to come to any more meetings. I didn’t know if Lindy was going to start turning up again or whether Milly would be a man down now. If that was the case, I knew that would sign me up for twice as much work. I wished I could have convinced Rica to come. We needed to get a start on the decorations and I could have used her artistic ability. I was pretty sure Govi and I weren’t going to be producing anything of note if I was involved.

  A body leant against the table next to me.

  “I feel like we’re going to be on trees again,” I said as I picked up my phone to scroll through the pictures of enchanted forests I’d opened earlier. “Do you think we can make some of those faces of yours 3D? That might look pretty cool.”

  Govi didn’t say anything for a moment and I didn’t look up. Govi wasn’t known for sitting still and listening for long periods of time, but it wasn’t entirely unheard of for him to not say anything when he thought I was on a roll.

  “What if we make a forest?” I asked. “For the walk way maybe? I guess we’ll have to talk to Milly about what she wants done. Do you think we’re going to have to make little models first?” I laughed.

  “I don’t know much about trees, but models…I do…”

  The hand with the book in it dropped to my lap and my thumb paused mid-scroll as a chill entered my veins.

  That very sultry, seductive voice did not belong to Gabriel Costa.

  I slid my eyes sideways and realised those were not Govi’s legs wrapped in dark grey jeans, one crossed over the other and going on for ever – honestly, whose legs were actually that long? My eyes roamed up. That wasn’t Govi’s slouched white t-shirt with black shirt over it. That wasn’t Govi’s cuff or Govi’s rings. That wasn’t Govi’s trademark sword and angel wing cross pendant – it looked like a bone whale tail on a leather strap. And that certainly wasn’t Govi’s sexy smirk, those honey eyes were totally not Govi’s nut brown ones, and the dark blond hair was far too light and missing any sign of green streak.

  Then I realised I was staring into Eli’s face and I quickly looked down again, hoping my cheeks weren’t as red as they felt. I cleared my throat.

  “I’ll bet… Sure… Yep,” was apparently what came out of my mouth and I mentally rolled my eyes at myself.

  “It’s Chloe, right?” he asked casually, leaning towards me.

  I had no idea what to do. “Uh, yeah.”

  “You’re the multidisciplinary one who thinks I’m an enigmatic little boy?” He sounded like he might be amused by that, but I wasn’t sure if he really was.

  I started nodding, then stopped and I was sure my cheeks were as red as they felt – stupid red-head tendencies – especially when he chuckled. I cleared my throat again, totally not succeeding in sounding like I knew what I was doing. I made the mistake of looking up and found him watching me carefully.

  “No. I mean, I…” I cleared my throat again. “You seem…”

  I’d been intending to say ‘nice’, but I realised at the last minute that wasn’t strictly true. I mean he looked nice, but nothing I’d heard or witnessed about him made m
e think he was nice. He was arrogant, shallow and expected girls to fall at his feet, but he wasn’t nice.

  “You look nice…?” I finished lamely.

  His eyes widened and that smirk played at his lips. “You complimenting my face again? I feel like every time you do that, it’s not really a compliment.” He grinned and my brain would have told my heart to stop pounding if it had still been working.

  Why does he have to be so goddamn attractive? I wondered.

  “Well I can’t compliment what I don’t know,” I said quickly, standing up and surprising myself with the number of words I’d managed.

  Eli stood up as well and I felt like he towered over me quite unnecessarily while my brain stuttered and my stomach churned. He took a step towards me and I took a hurried step back, my legs hitting the chair I’d just been sitting in.

  “I’d be quite happy to fix that,” he drawled, looking me over like he was undressing me with his eyes.

  “Uh…” I took another alarmed step backwards and tripped over my bag but managed to keep my feet. “I’m sure that’s… I mean… Not… Okay, I’ve got to… Milly!” I called, finally spotting her and figuring that would be the easiest way to get out of whatever situation I’d found myself in.

  Milly waltzed over, quite obviously waiting for Eli to look at her. “Yes?” she asked, still looking at Eli.

  “I, uh, just wanted to ask…” I snuck a look at Eli from the corner of my eye, wondering why the hell he was still standing there just smirking at me. “What do you want me doing now? I was thinking…maybe…”

  My train of thought just fizzled out as Eli stretched and a section of his stomach appeared between his t-shirt and his jeans. I was glad Milly seemed to have noticed as well because then she was probably not noticing me perving on him. I righted the tilt my head seemed to have taken without my consent.

  “Chloe was thinking of making up a forest for the walkway,” Eli finished for me and I blinked, wondering what he was doing.

  I’m sure he’s just waiting for Govi, I told myself as I looked around for Govi myself.

  “Govi and I were going to help.”

  My eyes darted straight to his in a surprise that overruled every sensible brain function telling me to look away.

  “Oh, that’s a great idea,” Milly giggled. “It will look so…enchanting…” she breathed and I wondered if she was envisioning Eli wandering among the trees like some highly sexual faerie looking for a lady to woo. And she totally hoped that lady was her.

  “Great. We’ll get right on it. I hear Chloe’s great with leaves.”

  My cheeks flushed exuberantly again and I desperately wished Govi would arrive.

  “Good. Well I will expect to see some good progress. With tickets on sale next week, we need to get a wriggle on.” Milly looked me over and flounced away.

  “Now that we’re alone…” Eli said with a sinful smirk as he took another step towards me.

  This time, all coordination went out the door as I tripped over my bag again. But this time I couldn’t save myself and I ended up on my arse on the floor.

  “Ow,” I breathed out heavily.

  Eli’s eyes widened with surprise and I could see him trying to stifle a smile, although only just. He held his hands out to me.

  “Thanks. I’m fine,” I said, marvelling again at how many words I was managing with him, especially when my brain was spluttering.

  “Clo, what are you doing down there?” I heard Govi ask and I turned to look at him.

  And there was the Govi I knew and was coming to love, the guy who looked like he’d fallen out of a 90’s teen movie; maroon Doc Martins, baggy jeans with the ripped knees, Nirvana t-shirt and baggier flannel checked shirt. After the unexpected sight of Eli, Govi was much too pleasant on the eyes.

  I widened my eyes at him and kicked them in Eli’s direction, giving him a panicked, quizzical look. Govi looked between us like it was normal for me to be on the floor with Eli standing over me.

  “Hey, man.” He nodded. “What’s up?”

  “I’m helping you and Chloe with your trees.”

  “Helping? Our trees?” Govi asked, looking at me for an answer.

  When Govi held his hands out to me, I freed one hand to take them and let him haul me off the floor. My eyes slid to Eli of their own volition and I noticed him looking between Govi and me with amused interest.

  “Trees, Gin?” Govi pressed, giving my hand a squeeze before he let go.

  I coughed and dragged my eyes up to his. “Yes. Trees. Walkway. Forest. Pretty.”

  I looked at him, pleading for him to make it stop, for him to help me, and preferably for him not to laugh at me. But that last one wasn’t happening and his eyes told me he wasn’t really all that sorry about it.

  “Of course,” he chuckled. “Where do we start?”

  I looked around. “A base. Wait…how many should we make?” I looked around, ignoring Eli so my brain didn’t fall out again. “We can probably get more card if we need, but this should be good to start. How long is the walkway going to be?”

  Govi and I looked towards the door, leaning shoulder to shoulder.

  “I’m thinking we’re going to want two or three deep on each side,” Govi said.

  “About five or ten long?” I asked.

  “Start with five and set them out?” he replied.

  I nodded and we both turned back to the table to find Eli flirting with some girl. I rolled my eyes and picked up some sheets of brown card.

  “So we want a base?” I started, quite happy to get on with things without Eli.

  Govi grabbed a piece of card and made a cylinder out of it. “So if we want them, what? Trunks at least as tall as…” He looked between him and the slightly shorter Eli. “Me or him?”

  I looked between them, but it was hard to tell with Eli busy trying to get in that chick’s pants. I shrugged like Govi should really get his friend under control and Govi gave me an exasperated grin.

  “Yo, Mr Helpful! Your help is needed,” he called to Eli.

  Eli said something in the girl’s ear that made her blush and I shared a knowing look with Govi. When Eli finally turned around, Govi grabbed him and pulled him next to him.

  “What do you think?” Govi asked.

  “Is this some kind of appraisal? Because you know the ladies like me better, mate,” Eli said with an unnecessary smirk and wink in my direction.

  I really felt like telling him not all ladies, but my brain and mouth connection seemed to have broken temporarily. I walked up between them and looked from one to the other. Not only did I feel totally tiny – again – but totally out of place; the two of them oozed rock star and me in my boring pale blue jeans and pale pink and white sweater just felt so…plain.

  “You can pick me, Chloe. Govi really won’t mind,” Eli said, his voice low and sexy.

  I flushed and looked at Govi, who was giving me a sympathetic smile tinged with humour.

  “Go on. Put him out of his misery,” Govi chuckled. “He won’t be helpful until you do. Who’d you pick?”

  “You,” I told Govi, then hurried on. “Well, we’re going to want some decent height. So bit taller than you I think. I might need a ladder… How about the drama blocks as a base?”

  Govi looked thoughtful. “Could work. How many of those little ones are there?”

  “Hang on,” Eli said, holding a hand up between us. “Did she really just pick you?”

  “Deal with it, mate,” Govi huffed a laugh as he started following me back stage.

  “Where do they keep most of the blocks?” I asked, hoping that if I kept ignoring Eli and anything he had to say, my brain might stay functional.

  We got backstage and found a pile of grey and black drama blocks. Mind you I’m not sure if that’s what they were really called, but it seemed an apt description.

  Govi picked up a couple of the small ones and headed back out to the table.

nbsp; As I was reaching up to try to get some from towards the top of the pile, I felt a body against my back, a hand on the bare skin of my waist where my sweater had ridden up and an arm reached past me. I whirled around and found myself far too close to Elijah Sweet. Brain functionality was zero, leg stability was draining steadily, and everything stuttered so fast I felt like I was going to vibrate through the floor Barry Allen style – I’m an equal opportunity superhero fan.

  He smiled down at me. “Hey.”

  Oh. My. God.

  He smelled like…

  God. I didn’t know what it was, but I’d take a bath in it any day.

  No. Bad brain.

  I blinked. “Uh, hi…”

  “Let me help with that.” He kicked his head, indicating behind me.

  “I… Uh…” I began intelligibly.

  But he just kept on smiling down at me as he leant towards me. I didn’t know what he was planning, but my hand hit his chest just before he was close enough for my knees to completely give out.

  “I. Can. Blocks. Table.” I said, mentally rolling my eyes at myself.

  The corner of his mouth tilted in a way that made you want to touch it. I got control over my hand just before it came into his view. I hoped.

  “Sure. How many do you want?” he asked, everything about him a tantalising smoulder.

  “Many,” was all I was capable of saying.

  He licked his lip slowly and, embarrassingly, I felt myself do the same. I snapped my mouth closed as I watched his eyes follow the movement.

  “Dude, you right?” Govi called and Eli stepped away from me.

  “Fine. Just helping Chloe with these blocks.”

  Govi’s eyebrow rose at me in question and I nodded quickly. Eli grabbed a few of the blocks down and headed to the auditorium.

  “What. Happened?” I hissed at Govi.

  He blinked in surprise. “What do you mean?”

  “Why is he flirting with me?” My voice was a pitiful excuse of a stage whisper. But in fairness, my heart was beating a million miles a minute and I was sure it was going to explode.

  Govi shrugged. “I don’t know. I was telling him about your sister and… I don’t know? Guy spaced out like he does?”