Accidentally Perfect Read online

Page 13

  I wandered over to her as she answered, “I’m good, thank you. Glad it’s the weekend. You kids should really enjoy your holidays while you have them! Maddy, poor love, has a bit of a sniffle. But, we’ll see how she is when she wakes up. Poor thing sleeps like the dead when she’s got a cold.”

  “Oh, well I hope she’s feeling better soon.”

  “Thank you, love.” She started pulling groceries out of the car.

  “Do you want some help?”

  Carmen looked up, surprised but in a good way. “If you don’t mind? I think Roman’s still asleep.”

  I smiled. “That wouldn’t surprise me.”

  And no, I didn’t think my sex skills were that amazing that I’d worn out Roman Lombardi. It just happened to barely be half ten in the middle of the school holidays. I was surprised I was awake to be honest.

  I walked over to her car and took a bunch of the bags for her, then followed her to the back door.

  “You didn’t have to do this, Piper. Thank you again. Roman would usually. But, he’s been so good about Maddy that I thought I’d give him a bit of respite. I knew he’d wake up if she did, so I took the time out to get the shopping done.”

  I nodded as I followed her to the kitchen. I hadn’t been in their house before; it was really nice. It was bigger than ours, all open plan and modern chic. The judgemental arse in me would never have imagined Roman would have ever set foot in a place like this, let alone lived there.

  “No worries. I imagine it’s different having a little one in the house again.”

  Carmen chuckled. “It is. I thought I’d put that all behind me when Roman got all independent. It’s sort of nice in a way, having a small one around. But, when you want that second glass of wine or to go out, you remember why you didn’t have more kids.”

  I smiled at her. “I don’t doubt that. Well, you let me know if I can do anything to help.”

  She looked at me like I was already doing so much. But, all she said was, “Can I get you a drink?”

  “Uh, sure. Yes. Please.” Let it not be said that little Piper Barlow forgot her manners even when flustered. Especially in the face of the mother of the guy she’d lost her virginity to the night before.


  I nodded. “Perfect. Thanks.”

  “Wonderful. Take a seat, love.”

  I pulled myself onto one of the breakfast bar stools. She talked to me as she went around the kitchen, making coffee and putting the groceries away. I was firmly refused when I offered to help and Carmen just seemed happy to natter about Roman, Maddy, Paris, the gardening, anything.

  Oddly, I didn’t feel anything but comfortable. Carmen was funny and lovely and I tried hard to connect her with the guy who seemed to have written himself off. But, then I could hardly talk, could I? My life was supposed to be perfect, and I was still me. I just hid it while Roman seemed to prefer revelling in it.

  “How’s school going?” she finally asked, leaning over the kitchen bench towards me.

  I swallowed my mouthful of coffee and nodded. “Uh, it’s okay I think.” I smiled. “Stress is mounting and teachers are simultaneously trying to make us work our arses off and stop us panicking at the same time.”

  Carmen grinned. “I can imagine. The pressures on you kids today. You know, when I was in Year Twelve, I took the Biology exam?”

  I raised my eyebrow at her, wondering where this was going. “Really?”

  She nodded. “I got a C. I didn’t even take Biology.”

  I laughed. “That hardly seems fair.”

  Her smile was so much like Roman’s. “I agree.” She looked me over carefully for a minute in that calculating way mums have. “Have you seen Roman much this week?”

  I licked my lip. “Uh, yeah. We’ve found ourselves at the lake every night actually.”

  She nodded. “I’m glad.”

  “Oh, we’re not–”

  “Oh love, I didn’t think you were. My son isn’t that type and you’re much too smart. But, I’m glad he’s been under a good influence. Rio’s a sweet boy really, but he hides it under a mountain of pain, anger and poor choices. I think that’s what drew them together in the first place, the two of them are the same.” She paused and brightened. “You know, when Roman was Maddy’s age, he was convinced he was going to be a ballerina?”

  “No!” I gasped, trying hard not to laugh. But, I pictured Roman as he was now – all hard and muscular and broody – in those pink ballet outfits and I couldn’t help it. “Tell me more.”

  And, she did.

  Which is why I was in fits of laughter, tears streaming down my face, when a sleepy Roman walked into the kitchen in all states of confusion.

  “Morning, love– Well, afternoon. Almost,” Carmen chuckled as she turned the coffee machine on again.

  “Barlow?” he asked, his voice rough from sleep.

  I was going to extraordinary lengths to tell myself that I wasn’t at all affected by the sight of him in nothing but tracksuit pants that left little to the imagination. His hair was messy from sleeping on it, his eyes unfocussed, and his voice thick and low.

  It did nothing for me. Well, nothing more than physical. I was going to stop refusing to admit I was attracted to him. Because he was attractive. But, it went no deeper than the physical. It couldn’t go deeper than the physical.

  Roman was someone who I think I considered a friend and we happened to have had sex and now he was probably done with me.

  That idea conflicted in me. On one hand, if he was done with me, then good because I didn’t have to worry what came next. On the other, a part of me would miss his easy calm. So naturally, my brain totally overthought everything in that moment and the anxiety set in. I felt my heart flutter, my mouth went dry and my hands went hot.

  “Lombardi, hi.”

  “What are you…?” he asked, looking between his mum and me in complete confusion. I could have seriously done without the dragging his hand through his hair thing.

  “Uh, I should probably go,” I chuckled nervously.

  “Are you sure, love?” Carmen asked.

  I nodded.

  “Well, thank you for your help with the bags.”

  “Thank you, Carmen, for the coffee and the stories. Roman in a tutu is an image I will always treasure.” I slid off the stool and headed for their back door. Carmen and I shared a humoured look while Roman glared in panic.

  “Bye, love,” Carmen called to me as Roman spat, “You did what?” at her.

  “Oh, it’s nothing. We were just…” I lost track of Carmen’s voice as I closed the door behind me.

  I grinned as I headed towards my house. It was magnified when I was almost to the back door and I heard Roman call my name.

  “Piper!” And he didn’t sound too happy.

  I stopped and turned, taking one last moment to appreciate his body.

  “Whatever she told you–”

  “I take to my grave, Roman. I wouldn’t dare ruin ballet-Roman by sharing him with anyone.”

  He glared at me. “Not funny.”


  The corner of his lip quirked, but he didn’t give into it. “How are you?”

  “Still fine.”

  His eyes slid down my body then back to my eyes. “Good. Good.” He sucked his teeth like he was contemplating something.

  “Seriously, Roman. I’m fine. No regrets, no concerns, I’m fine.”

  “If you wanted me to…” he started.

  “To what?” I pressed.

  He sighed. “If it would make you feel better, I’d be more than happy to go get you the morning after pill?”

  My stomach fluttered and my cheeks heated. ‘Uh… I think…” I cleared my throat. “Thanks. But, I think it’ll be fine. I haven’t missed any. So…”

  “Are you sure? It was my bad. I’m not above taking responsibility for my actions.”

  How was I supposed to convince
myself that any attraction I had to him was just physical when he said things like that? Over and over until I believed it was how.

  I tucked some hair behind my ear. “I’m sure. Thank you, though. I appreciate it.”

  He looked at me like something was haunting him. But just as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted.

  “Uncie Roman!” Maddy called, hanging out the door in a bright pink dressing gown.

  “In a minute, Mads!” he called.

  “But, Grandma said you’d make me pancakes!” She sounded like her nose was all blocked up and her voice was scratchy.

  “Of course she did,” he muttered.

  “You’d best go,” I said softly.

  “Yeah, I’d best.”

  “See you later.” I gave him a small wave.

  “Yeah, catchya.”

  He looked at me like he wanted to say something else, but just ran his hand through his hair and jogged back to his house to pick Maddy up as she squealed in happiness.

  Which didn’t at all make me think entirely wrong things about him…


  I checked my phone and saw the response from Hadley.

  Hadley: Thank GOD we’re coming home tomorrow!

  Me: It’ll be good to have you home.

  Hadley: It’ll be good to make you go out some more! Celeste told me you’d been skiving?????

  Me: lol, yeah a little. I’ve been busy.

  Hadley: Oh well. No excuse after tomorrow. Although Dad’s told me we have to go to some dinner tomorrow. But, I’ll see you first thing Monday?

  Me: As long as first thing is like 11?

  Hadley: Duh. I’ll come over?

  Me: Sounds good.

  Hadley: Talk to you later xoxo

  Me: night babes xo

  I chucked my phone on charging, went back to the movie and snuggled down.

  Just after I’d started the new one, something distracted me. There was a noise at my window, I was sure of it. I paused the movie and listened. Sure enough, there it was again. I crawled out of bed, pulled the window open, and looked down.

  “Seriously?” I hissed.

  Roman grinned up at me, juggling a pebble in his hand. “Hey.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Avoiding the screaming, flu-y five year old. What are you doing?”

  “Having a John Cusack movie marathon.”

  “Seriously?” he hissed sceptically. “Lame!”

  “That’s rich coming from the guy running away from a five year old!”

  He shrugged. “Yeah, true.”

  “Did you want something?” I asked.

  He shrugged again. “I dunno. Thought you might like to hang out?”

  I smiled. “John Cusack takes precedence over you and your five-year-old avoidance, sorry.”

  I saw him smile back. “Can I at least join you?”

  “You’re going to voluntarily watch John Cusack movies?”

  “I have no idea who that is, remember.”

  “I’m having a Rom-Com binge, comprende?”

  His nose scrunched adorably. “Still preferable to the whiny child at my house.”

  “Damn, it must be bad.”

  “Can I hang out with you or not?”

  I crossed my arms. “What do you plan on doing if I say no?”

  He looked around. “I will hang out down here and have a rollicking good time of which you will be terribly jealous.”

  I snorted. “Fine. I’ll come down and let you in.”

  “What about your parents?”

  “They’re not home this week!”

  He grinned, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. I shook my head before closing my window and heading downstairs. I opened the curtains to find him jumping up onto the veranda, still grinning. I opened the door and levelled a look on him.

  “No funny business, mind,” I said, mock-seriously.

  “No, I wouldn’t dare.” He looked down. “What is that?”

  “My nightie?” I asked, following his gaze down my body.

  “Nightie. Right.” He looked sceptical. “T-shirt not a more apt description?”

  “Yeah, yeah. We know the word apt. Very clever,” I muttered.

  He laughed and followed my inviting arm inside. I closed and locked the door behind him and pulled the curtain.


  “What are you offering?”

  “Whatever you want that I have. Beer, wine, soft drink? Dad has some spirits somewhere?”

  “Beer, why not.”

  I padded to the fridge, him following close behind. I pulled a six-pack out of it and handed it to him. His eyebrow rose and I glared mockingly.

  “You telling me you can’t get through six?”

  “You’re going to make me drink alone?”

  “Would it be the first time?”

  He snorted. “No.”

  “Then, you’ll be fine.”

  “Ah, but it’s more fun to drink with someone.”

  “I might have one.”


  “I guarantee if I have two, I’ll be pissed,” I answered, taking his hand and pulling him upstairs. “More than that that, it’s chaos.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard Hadley talk about you when you’re drunk. I’m quite looking forward to it.” He chuckled.

  “Oh, no! I’m not having any more than one.”

  “Sure you’re not. What’s the worst that can happen?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. You’ve apparently heard the stories about handsy, chatty Piper. I could get all lovey-dovey on your arse.”

  He chuckled as we walked into my room and he made an appreciative noise. “Yeah, lovey-dovey I suspect will be the least of my problems. Besides, we’ve already fucked. So really, how bad can it get?”

  “Already fucked? That’s a charming way of talking about you being granted the treasure of my virginity,” I said sarcastically; I in no way thought it was all that great a treasure. I mean sort of special, but nothing like the books and movies go on about.

  He pulled me around to face him and I noticed he’d put the beers down. His arms wrapped around my waist, his fingers lacing behind my back. He leant his head against mine and sighed.

  “Yeah, I know. Are you okay, Barlow?”

  I smiled and cupped his cheek. “It’s not the way I thought it would happen. But I still don’t regret it, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “I…” He sighed heavily.

  “What are you doing here, anyway? Showering my window with pebbles is hardly nailing and bailing behaviour.”

  He huffed a laugh. “Is it terrible that I wanted to spend time with you?”

  I gasped sarcastically. “Even after you got everything you wanted?”

  His smile was rueful. “Yeah, laugh it up.”

  “Oh, I will. Don’t tell me you’re looking for seconds, Lombardi?”

  He looked up to the ceiling. “What if it’s less seconds and more…I just enjoy your company?”

  I decided not to tell him the feeling was mutual.

  Instead, I pulled out of his arms, took his hand again, and led him back to the bed. “Come on. I just started this one so I’ll go back to the beginning.”

  “What are we watching?”

  “Say Anything.”

  “It’s already my favourite,” he huffed sarcastically.

  “Oh, something we have in common!” I teased.

  “Yay,” he offered weakly.

  “You were the one who asked to join me. Suck it up.”

  He chuckled. “What’s it about?”

  “Why don’t you shut up and find out?”

  We sat back against the headboard of my bed and he popped two beers for us. I rewound and started it from the beginning. A few minutes in, he leant his head against mine.

  “Thanks, Barlow.”

  “For what?”

  “For not making a big deal
out of this.”

  I leant into him. “You’re the one making a big deal out of it, Lombardi, and ruining an excellent movie in the process.”

  He just chuckled and put his arm around my shoulders. I nestled against him and settled in for the ride.

  Chapter Twelve

  Sex and Vaginas and Stuff.

  I woke up and wondered why I was lying against someone and their arm was over my waist. Inadvertently, I wriggled and felt that someone was very hard.

  There was a familiar chuckle and I felt a kiss on my shoulder. “Morning, Barlow.”

  “I didn’t peg you for a snuggler,” I replied, aiming for flippant so I could ignore what Roman’s deep morning voice did to me.

  “Does it count as snuggling if all we did was watch movies and fall asleep?” There was a smile in his voice, but something nagged at me.


  I felt him tense. “Piper?”

  “Is there… I mean… Why did…” I stopped since I was clearly getting nowhere fast and my cheeks had heated.

  “You want to try that again?”

  “The other night?”


  “Was it…bad…?”

  He scoffed and rolled me over to face him as he leant over me. “Bad? Why would you ask if it was bad?”

  I shrugged and really didn’t want to look into his eyes. “I don’t know. You just didn’t…” I sighed, “Like it matters.”

  “It matters to me. What is it?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I just thought… After we’d done it once… You were in my bed… You’d want to do it again?”

  He didn’t say anything for a bit so I finally looked up and found him smiling at me. “Uh huh. Right. Well, I was trying to be considerate, it having been your first time and I wasn’t exactly gentle. I figured you’d be sore and not exactly a ‘go at it like rabbits’ type.”

  “How do you just come out and say things like that?” I asked, once again completely astonished with how comfortable he was just talking about sex and vaginas and just all of it.

  He shrugged and brushed a piece of hair off my face. “Because if you can’t talk about sex, then you probably shouldn’t be doing it. Besides, honesty is important. How else do you get satisfaction? Sexual partners aren’t mind readers, you know. You have to be able to talk about this stuff. About what you want, what you like, and what you don’t.”