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The Stand-In: my life as an understudy Page 5

  Govi leant towards me. “Sorry. You didn’t take up Got Talent or Merriman’s because your sister didn’t get an offer?”

  “If she was your sister, you’d understand,” I said solemnly.

  “That’s what she keeps telling me,” Rica told him in her most resigned voice.

  I looked up to say something but saw she was frowning. I turned to see what she was looking at and saw Milly talking to Eli. Only today, there was more of a flirt vibe going on. I looked back to Rica and gave her a panicked look, to which she just laughed and I frowned.

  “So, Govi. What’s the story with Milly and Eli?” Rica asked, busy with her poster.

  Govi turned around for a moment, then went back to sticking my tissue paper leaves to his tree trunks. “As far as I’m aware, nothing. But then I’d say that about Eli and any girl.”

  “Out of concern for his privacy?” I teased and Govi smirked knowingly.

  “Even if he’s hooked up with them?” Rica asked.

  “Especially if he’s hooked up with them!” Govi chuckled roughly. “Don’t you know his reputation?”

  Rica shrugged. “There are a lot of rumours running around this school. I choose not to listen to them.”

  “Cool.” Govi nodded approvingly. “Well when it comes to Eli, rumours are more likely true. You get his interest and you’re done for. He’ll wear you down eventually, then a few kisses, and the one and done treatment.”

  “Uh, no thanks.” I shuddered.

  “You speak that highly of all your friends?” Rica’s eyebrow rose along with the corner of her lips.

  Govi sighed and turned back to look at Eli again. “Eli would hate for me to be purporting false rumours and, look, I love the guy like a brother. But I wouldn’t let him near any decent girl.”

  Rica barked a laugh. “Well, Ella’s in then.”

  I gave her my best ‘shut up’ look.

  “Yeah, I don’t think he’s hooked up with Ella… Not that I tend to keep a running tally.”

  “You’re not on guard detail to keep away jilted lovers?” I asked.

  Govi snorted. “Nah, that’s more Lake’s job.”

  “He’s your bassist, right?” Rica asked.

  “Oh, you follow us, do you?” Govi joked as he elbowed me playfully.

  “Like every other person in this school, we have been known to enjoy your musical talents,” I answered, swatting his arm away gently.

  “And your faces,” Rica said almost absently, then looked to me in complete shock as though she couldn’t believe she’d said such a thing.

  I also couldn’t believe she’d said such a thing.

  Govi chuckled. “We’ve been told we’re quite pretty,” he said, running a hand through his hair mock-arrogantly.

  I scoffed. “Who on earth would have lied so outrageously to you?”

  “Oi,” he laughed, “weren’t you telling me on Monday how pretty I was.”

  “I was assuring you that your smoulder was on point, Govi. That doesn’t mean I think you’re pretty.”

  “Oh, but you think Eli’s pretty?” He sounded indignant.

  “Gin thinks Eli’s the kind of pretty that needs a good punch to the nose.”

  Govi looked between us, clearly confused. “What?”

  “In her words ‘nothing that good looking should be such a twat’. I’m inclined to agree.”

  “Shit, does that make me a twat?” Govi asked, looking genuinely concerned for a moment.

  “No, Govi. You’re pretty and not a twat.”

  “So frankly, I should get more girls than him?”

  I snorted. “Mr Insecure, aren’t you? Or are you fishing for compliments?”

  Govi grinned and wriggled adorably in his seat. “Of course not.”

  “If you don’t believe me, show Rica your smoulder,” I said as I went back to my glittery letters. “I guarantee she will tell you the truth. Girl couldn’t lie if her life literally depended on it.”

  I heard Rica breath out heavily and looked up to find her completely swooning. And to be fair, Govi was giving her a smoulder that was giving Hell a run for its money.

  “Yeah, I’d say you’re good,” she said, sounding rather breathless and I just laughed.

  Which earnt me a glare from Rica and a cheeky grin from Govi.

  The Errand Girl

  We pushed our way through the milling students. I had no idea if Lindy was making her appearance at the meeting, but Govi had talked Rica into coming back on Friday to finish the posters and help put them up.

  “There you are!” the voice of my nightmares called harshly.

  I flinched and Rica touched my arm in stoic support.

  “Hey.” I turned to Ella with a half-hearted smile.

  “Elijah Sweet is yet to talk to me about anything, Chloe. But, he seems mighty cosy with Milly Wallis… Are you even doing your job?”

  “Your job?” I clarified and her eyes narrowed dangerously. “Yes, I am.” No, I’m not… “Everything’s fine. He and Milly barely talk to each other. If you were that worried, why don’t you just go to the meetings yourself?”

  Ella swished her hair over her shoulder and scoffed. “I’m busy. Something you’d know nothing about. Just keep that lecherous little theatre freak away from him and make sure he asks me to the formal.”

  “And how do you propose I do that, Ella?” I asked, my annoyance flaring into uncharacteristic rebuttal.

  She glared at me like I’d tried to kill her. “Get it done.” And with that, she shoved her way through the students in the hallways and went off to do whatever it is that Ella Cowan does when she’s busy.

  “Your sister’s a bitch, FYI.”

  “Thanks, hadn’t noticed.” I muttered.

  “What’s more important than flirting with Eli herself?”

  I shrugged. “Probably has to tend her flying monkeys?”

  Rica snorted. “Wicked Bitch of the West, indeed.”

  I smacked her lightly. “Come on. Wouldn’t want to keep Govi waiting,” I said with a sing-song voice.

  “Shut up.”

  “You think he’s cute,” I teased.

  “Of course I do, I have eyes! You can’t tell me you don’t think he’s cute?”

  “He’s super cute, but I don’t have a crush on him.”

  “Neither do I!”

  I nodded as I started for the auditorium. “No, of course you don’t.”

  “I don’t!” Rica said quickly.

  And she spent the rest of the walk trying so hard to convince me she didn’t have a crush on him that I was pretty sure she did. At least it was a distraction from the foul and panicky mood Ella had put me in.

  “Gin!” she hissed. “I do not–”

  “Do not what?” Govi asked as we walked up to our table and I slid my bag over my head. “If you tell me you forgot your blutack then I shall rescind your invitation!” he teased dramatically.

  Rica did actually blush and I looked away to hide my smile. “Nothing,” she said softly, then cleared her throat. “Nothing. Women’s things.”

  Govi nodded knowledgably. “That time of the month,” he said with a wink and tapping his finger to his nose.

  “No!” she gasped as I snorted.

  “Nothing wrong with it. Normal. Healthy.” Govi’s smile faded as he looked thoughtful. “Well, no. Nothing should bleed that long and not die. BUT! That just makes you women even more amazing.”

  “Whose preferably-not-bleeding pants are you trying to flatter your way into?” I asked as I sat down and pulled our posters together.

  Govi chuckled, sounding very pleased with himself. “Doing well, am I?”

  “Well, you…” I stuttered to a stop as Eli walked into the room, with his typical arrogant swagger and a sexy smirk for any girl in the vicinity.

  My heart rate spiked, but it was more in anger and a nervous tick than it was real proper panic and anxiety. So that was something.
I had no idea how I was supposed to go about stringing enough words in a sentence around him to ensure he asked my sister to the formal. But I was going to have to come up with something or Ella was going to have words to say about it, I was sure.

  I watched as he nodded to someone as he walked in like he was going in slow motion.

  And it had to be said, the boy was fine.

  He wore skinny jeans and a slouched black t-shirt, his ever present guitar strapped to his back. He pointed to someone else as he ran his hand through his shaggy dark blond hair and gave them a smile that I bet could have made the Statue of Liberty’s legs feel a little wobbly. The guy oozed sex appeal and I was dangerously close to swooning.

  “Oh for God’s sake,” I heard Rica mutter and I jumped, hoping I hadn’t been drooling. I was seriously worried I might have been. “Govi, is Eli taking anyone to the formal?”

  “No. Why? Does Clo want him to ask?” I wasn’t sure why he sounded quite so insultingly disappointed.

  “No!” I yelled far too loudly so that every person in the room – even Eli – turned around to look at us.

  I went bright red as my eyes locked with Eli’s and spun around so fast I nearly fell off my chair. I cleared my throat. “No, I certainly don’t. God, Ree. I can’t do this.” I leant forward and stared at her pleadingly.

  She shrugged. “Then don’t.”

  “I have to!”

  “You don’t actually.”

  “I shouldn’t be here.”

  “Then go?” Govi said, sounding like he was trying to be helpful but was actually just confused.

  “She can’t.” Rica sighed resignedly. She’d try to persuade me to do things for me, but she knew what I needed just then was encouragement not a way out.

  I glared at Rica and shook my head slowly.

  “If you turn around and tell me you do want him to ask you, I am going to lose all respect for you, Chloe,” Govi warned. And I noticed only a slight hint of teasing in his voice, like it was only there so I didn’t get angry with him for telling me what to do.

  I shook my head at both of them.

  “It’s the Wicked Bitch who expects him to ask,” Rica said, giving me a look like it served me right.

  “Sorry. What?” Govi looked between us and I dropped my head to the table.

  I sighed. “Ella sent me to apparently woo Eli into asking her to the formal. I’m meant to keep him away from Milly, talk her up, and make sure he asks Ella.”

  Govi didn’t say anything for a moment, until he breathed, “Does she see how mental that is?”

  “I would say not.”

  Govi snorted and I looked up at him.


  “Well…” He looked between us. “I mean, that’s hilarious. Does she actually think you’re going to keep Milly off him and he’ll ask her?”

  I frowned at him and dropped my head back down.

  Rica answered for me. “Unfortunately, yes. You’re lucky. You see the congenial side to Ella. Chloe gets pushed around and she just does what she’s told.”

  “I’ve told you a hundred million times, Ree, it’s easier,” I mumbled into the table.

  “I know, Gin…” she said softly.

  “There is a slight flaw in Ella’s plan, is there not?” Govi pointed out.

  “Please say he’s taking someone else!” Rica cried excitedly.

  “Uh, no. Chloe can barely say two words to him without going ridiculous, although she adamantly promised me she tries not to.”

  I heard Rica scoff. “Oh, trust me, she does. It is a source of constant amusement to me and annoyance to her that she lusts after a guy she hates.”

  I raised my hand up. “Firstly, I don’t lust after anyone, especially not arrogant self-entitled wanker rock-jerks. Secondly, I don’t know him well enough to hate him.”

  “You just hate everything he stands for and every rumour that circulates,” Rica clarified.

  “He just sounds like a dick,” I muttered.

  “Well, he is a dick,” Govi agreed. “But he’s got some good points… Granted, none of them have anything to do with his interactions with the female species, so I doubt you’ll ever see them. But I promise they are there.”

  “Ugh, how am I supposed to talk Ella up to a guy I can’t talk to?”

  “How are you supposed to talk Ella up when she’s a raging bitch?” Rica asked and I looked up to glare at her.

  “How about we go put some posters up and I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that?” I replied.

  Rica’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “You don’t have to do her dirty work and stick up for her.”

  “You know what? I’m sure you’ll be fine,” Govi broke in, trying to keep the peace. “I mean, you managed five words to him on Wednesday and you only almost fell off your chair once today. So you know, as far as embarrassing yourself goes…?” He shrugged unhelpfully.

  I sighed and pushed myself to standing. “Thanks, but I’m going to have to think of something. I’m quite partial to my skin.”

  I whirled around and came face to chest with a familiar black t-shirt. His hand went to my arm and he actually had the audacity to brush a stray strand of hair from my face as I looked up at him in panic. Which was a terrible plan in hindsight. My heart pounded and I reminded myself that he wasn’t as hot as my brain was telling me he was. Even when he was looking down at me with nothing but mischief in his eyes and a gorgeous half-pout to his lips.

  “My bad…” I said quickly.

  “Two words!” Rica cheered and my cheeks burst heat and my eyes widened in humiliation.

  Govi’s snort didn’t help anything, nor did the smile Eli was obviously trying to hide.

  “You okay there?” he asked me as if he actually cared.

  “I…” I nodded. “Fine. Good. Going. Posters.”

  “Four words! Not a sentence!” Rica yelled enthusiastically and Govi spluttered a laugh.

  Oh, I was going to kill her. I loved her, but I was going to kill her.

  I let out a deep breath, “Excuse me… I need to… Ree, bring the blutack.”

  I swiped the posters off the table and only just managed to not trip over my own feet as I hurried out of the auditorium, though it was a near thing.

  “Gin, wait up!” I heard Rica laugh, but she didn’t follow yet.

  “Clo,” Govi said as he jogged up behind me.

  My face felt tomato red. “Oh my God, one word out of you and I think I’ll implode from embarrassment.”

  “It’ll almost be more than you managed.”

  I threw him a glare so fast, I did trip on my own feet and he had to catch me so I didn’t land on my arse. “Yes, thank you. Because I am not humiliated enough.”

  His face softened as he looked down at me. “Don’t stress, Gin, ‘kay? Eli has girls embarrass themselves in front of him far worse than a little brain fart, yeah? Honestly, that is tame compared to some of the stuff we’ve dealt with.”

  “Govi, those girls want one thing from him, two if they’re lucky. I want no things from him! None!” I hissed.

  He looked at me apologetically and his hands on my shoulders gave me a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “Not quite true.”

  “Govi, I swear I am not interested in him.”

  “You are interested in getting him to ask your sister to the formal, though.”

  I sighed and threw back my head. “Okay, yes. I want one thing from him. But I’m not going to get that because my brain decides to go on vacation to Hawaii every time he walks into a room.”

  “There are worse places it could go.”

  I glared at him.

  Govi grinned. “It’s fine. Just keep practising.”

  I frowned heavily. “Yes, because practise makes perfect…” I mumbled sarcastically.

  He looked at me calculatingly. “It does, but it doesn’t sound like a good thing when you say it like that.”

  I shrugged and tur
ned to start looking for bare patches of wall to hang our posters. “Because usually I’m practising to be perfect at things I don’t even want to be mediocre at,” I admitted.

  “Blutack at your service!” Rica huffed as she arrived. “Milly was guarding this stuff with her life!”

  I turned and saw her and Govi exchanging a look but I had no idea what it could have been about. It was definitely not flirting, that was for sure.

  “Come on. Let’s see where we can put these.” Govi smiled and I gave him my best smile back.

  We headed through the school. There were still a few kids milling around. There were some after school lessons, and some kids used the time to book studios for practice or to work on assignments. Recorded music wafted from some rooms and live music flowed from others. Some kids were dancers, some were musicians, a few rooms had art students, a couple had theatre kids running lines or painting sets.

  As we shifted some other posters around to make space for ours, ‘Shut Up and Dance’ started playing from down the hall and Govi started singing along. He wasn’t a main singer for Quicksilver and, for the life of me, I couldn’t work out why. He had an excellent voice and he pulled Rica and I to dancing while he sang. And the boy could move. I mean he wasn’t going to be a principal or anything, but he could very easily get by.

  When the song was finished, Govi went to grab some more blutack and we found we’d run out.

  “I’ll head back and get some more. Stay here. I’ll be right back.” He grinned, then jogged off.

  “That boy has far too much enthusiasm,” Rica laughed.

  “Yeah, but you like him,” I said, nudging her with my shoulder.

  She gave a small, shy smile. “He’s nice, he’s cute, he’s funny. But he’s not really my type, is he?”

  I shrugged. “I wasn’t aware you had a type. And if you did, anyone in this school would probably cover it.”

  She huffed and nodded as there was a giggle from up the hallway.

  We both turned to see Eli and a girl stumble into the hall in a somewhat flirtatious embrace. She was clearly saying something seductive to him and he was smiling widely at her as he cupped her cheeks. Her hands were on his waist and they were walking awkwardly towards us. Not that we even existed to them.